四年前,為了要看Marat Safin,翹了課跑去溫布敦。為了要等他的比賽,已經寐著台灣人的良心要拋棄小盧了。結果那天倫敦狂下雨,Safin的比賽延到隔天,而他草草的結束,還烙下了一句 I hate grass。 四年後,溫布敦真是送給我一個太正點的禮物了,Marat v.s Nole! 吼~手心手背都是肉啦...本來以Marat今年的狀態,加上他又不愛草地,已經當做純看比賽就好。想不到,居然看到好久不見的Marat Safin!有多久沒有看到他那專注冷靜又有自信的眼神,有多久沒有看到他的腳步是這麼的輕盈,有多久沒有看到他那連二發都可以搥死人的發球,有多久沒有看到他的招牌反拍?就像馬克安諾講的,這天在場上的Safin看起來,舒服極了。(迷之聲:這真的是那個討厭草地的hippo嗎?) Q. Did you start to become a grass court player suddenly? MARAT SAFIN: By winning one match? Q. An important match. MARAT SAFIN: For me it was important, but also I took advantage that he was under a lot of pressure because he's fighting for No. 1. So I need to take advantage of that. Q. How did you play? MARAT SAFIN: I played well because I think the courts, they has been getting slower and slower throughout the years. So it's not any more like they used to be like eight years ago. It was really fast, and now you can play from the baseline and nobody even getting close to the net. Q. So you're not surprised by yourself? MARAT SAFIN: ...