Get to know Flash Lite for the Digital Home
Get to know Flash Lite for the Digital Home from Adobe Flash Lite on Vimeo.
Stage: 1280x720
- use MovieClip.cacheAsBitmap();
- same vector optimisation as mobile phones
- large fonts (15 pt up)
- use high constrasting colors for text (黑底白字建議)
- no fscommand2()
- no softkeys
- 4 way + enter (或許再加個esc)
- key.addListener(globalKeyListener);
- use video obj instance on stage
- create NetConnection & NetStream
- attach video
- control video through NetStream
- H.264
- no skew, rotate. flip video
- no video transparency or filters
- can resize & move at runtime
- overlay content on video
OOP Architecture for Flash Mobile Applications from Adobe Flash Lite on Vimeo.